After his first successful show in March, Angus Baskerville is back for more with a new show. Great to see an artist like Angus performing another Zoom show with a lot of new material.
Taking place on Friday the 9th of April at 1900 BST, I was curious to find out if Angus could replicate the success of his first show.
At £5.99 a ticket, you cannot go wrong.
As the first show in March was reviewed in full, this review is just a mini write up. Can Angus can keep up the momentum achieved after the first show and replicate the same success?
At peak, 42 screens were viewing the show which meant an approximate audience of 60 to 70. A decent turnout.
While waiting for the show to start, slides played that promoted Angus's website.
Once started, the show worked through a set of about 10 effects using cards, coins, cups/balls and mentalism.
Technically, some small issues with Zoom at the start of the show. But Angus dealt with it, remained calm and apologised as a learning curve.
Angus is amazingly talented and he was able to put together a brand new interactive show for his second public Zoom show. That is quite a feat to have a show with a large proportion of new material just a month after the first public show.
The effects were quite remarkable, well presented and enjoyable to watch. One playing card reveal was particularly amazing.
Lots of good audience reactions, from a crowd who also asked for an encore. Lots of smiles and laughter. I enjoyed myself.
Thanks again Angus.
About this Event
The Warwickshire magician Angus Baskerville, member of the Magic Circle is back for Angus Online 2. The success of Angus Online has demanded a follow up show for those clients who missed the first show and for those keen to see more. This new show will have a whole series of new incredible effects.